Branch AGM 2018 Please note change of time to 5pm for Glasgow AGM and save the dates

AGM votingThe branch AGMs will be held on the following dates. If you are a branch member, please put these in your diary and get along if you possibly can. PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF TIME FOR THE AGM IN GLASGOW

Thursday 1st February 2018: 5-7pm in the UNISON Office, 14 West Campbell Street, Glasgow G2 6RX, for branch members in the Glasgow area.

Wednesday 14th February 2018: 12noon – 2pm in Committee Room 4, Woodhill House – a light lunch will be provided

Wednesday 14th February 2018: 7-9pm in the Kintore Arms, Inverurie – buffet and refreshments from 6.30pm

The AGM is your chance to hear what the branch has been doing over the year and to have your say. Please make every effort to come along and support your union.

Nominations for stewards and branch officers must be submitted on the forms sent out with your preliminary notice and returned to the Branch Secretary at the UNISON Resource Centre, 7 Alford Place, Aberdeen AB10 1YD by 19th January 2018.

Members can also submit motions for consideration at the AGM and these too have to be in by 19th January 2018. If you want to raise an issue around workplace or wider issues and would like some help to write a motion please contact Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair on 07767027722 and she will be happy to help.

We look forward to seeing you there.