Aberdeenshire UNISON

Motions for AGM 2008


This AGM is deeply concerned about the funding crisis affecting the voluntary sector. It recognises this has arisen because the voluntary sector is at the end of the Local Authority funding chain. This has implications not only for our members in the voluntary sector, who, year after year have had wage rises well below inflation, but also, as these organisations strive to keep costs down, for the quality of the services provided to some of the most vulnerable in our society.

This AGM recognises that the voluntary sector delivers many essential public services. These services, provided in partnership with local authorities, should be based on quality of provision and not on the basis of funding services on the cheap.

This AGM further recognises that voluntary organisations committed to maintaining quality standards of care are very likely in the current climate to lose out to private companies who provide services on a shoestring, by paying minimum wages and cutting the support systems, such as training and supervision, that staff working with vulnerable people need.

UNISON's commitment to negotiating for pay and conditions for voluntary sector workers that are no less favourable than Local Authority equivalents has fallen foul of the current funding crisis and the below inflation increases in Government funding to Local Authorities.

Therefore this AGM
1. calls on the branch to continue to negotiate with individual employers for pay increases for our members which are in line with their Local Authority equivalents, recognising the financial pressures which voluntary sector employers face;
2. welcomes the joint campaign by the STUC, the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), TGWU/Unite, UNISON Scotland, and the Community Care Providers Scotland (CCPS) to secure.
a. the same level of pay and conditions for front line workers in the Community and Voluntary Sector as for public sector workers
b. 5 year contracts to replace current short-term funding arrangements
c. Improvements in commissioning and competitive tendering to ensure high quality services
d. a national contract framework covering the key principles of commissioning and funding to be agreed between the Scottish Government, purchasers and providers.
3. calls on UNISON Scotland to mobilize our members in the community and voluntary sector to lobby individual MSPs on this matter.

Proposed Branch Committee




This AGM calls on the Branch to support Shelter's Campaign for 30,000 new affordable rented homes to be built during the life of this Scottish Parliament and asks for this issue to be raised at UNISON's Scottish Council to seek its support for the affordable homes campaign.

The Branch is also asked to consider affiliating to Shelter.

Proposed Steven Gray




This AGM welcomes the progress that has been made since it first passed a motion on asylum seeker children and their families. Since then, UNISON Scotland has issued guidance for members working in this field and similar guidance is now being drawn up for the rest of the UK.

UNISON Scotland has also campaigned in many ways for these children to be treated the same as any other child in Scotland. Scottish law and the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child says that the rights and welfare of all children must be placed as paramount and UNISON Scotland has continued to push for this. It has built alliances with other relevant organisations in Scotland and has lobbied the Scottish Government. It has given evidence to the Independent Asylum Commission Review and has highlighted its position at a number of Conferences and at the STUC.

UNISON Scotland is also playing a key role in the setting up of a UK Conference to campaign for the removal of the UK Government's reservation on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This AGM is pleased to note the announcement by the Borders and Immigration Agency that 1400 families who have lived in Scotland for more than 3 years, known as "legacy cases" will be given leave to remain, with another 400 being "assessed". Whilst this decision seems to have been made primarily for pragmatic and financial reasons, it is believed that the campaigning of UNISON Scotland and others has had some influence. Significantly, UNISON has contributed to the fact that politicians now regularly refer to the welfare of the child being paramount. This has had a significant effect on the political context.

However, there are still serious concerns about the treatment of children and young people within the immigration and asylum processes. A consultation document on unaccompanied asylum seekers, with proposals to prepare young people for deportation when they turn 18, makes it abundantly clear that the Home Office does not see the welfare of the child as paramount.

Furthermore, the "New Asylum Model" with its focus on quick decision making, has no greater requirement to consider the child's circumstances and welfare as the last asylum process did. Therefore the campaign does not end here and this AGM recognises that there is a need to keep up the pressure on the UK government to respect the rights of these children and to make decisions which place their welfare as paramount.

It calls on the branch to :-
1. build on the work already done through maintaining alliances with other groups sharing UNISON's aims
2. in all relevant forums, to continue to campaign for the principle that the welfare of all children in Scotland is paramount
3. urge that the excellent anti-racism work done at Scottish level continues to combat the myths and misinformation that can lead to asylum seekers being demonised
4. publicise the forthcoming UK conference campaigning against the government's reservation from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
5. urge UNISON Scotland to maintain its advice and support to members working with asylum seeker children by updating existing information as necessary and providing pointers to other resources

Proposed Branch Committee


