Aberdeenshire UNISON

Motions AGM 2010


In accordance with Branch Rule 12 (1V), Honoraria payments are recommended to be paid as follows:-

  • Secretary £1,833
  • Assistant Secretary (2) £ 868 each
  • Treasurer £1,228
  • Auditor's Fees (2) £ 142 each

Proposed Branch Committee


This AGM notes that an increasing number of our members are required to be registered with bodies like the Scottish Social Services Council, Health Professionals Council etc and will soon need to be registered under "Check to Protect".

The AGM recognises that registration bodies have a duty to protect the public and have codes governing professional conduct, standards of competency and health requirements. However, it also recognises that increasing registration brings a new dimension to representing members.

Removal from registration means the loss of livelihood and is an employment issue. Even interim removal, with no case yet proven against a member, can result in the member being unable to work.

This AGM notes that UNISON has responded by setting up a Professional Services Unit, protocols and guidance, but it believes that new skills and organisation are needed in Regions and Branches to manage workload and ensure that members receive the best representation possible.

This AGM therefore instructs Branch Officers to present a motion to National Delegate Conference 2010 calling on the NEC to develop measures to support branches to properly represent their members in these circumstances. This should include
1. Organisational strategies
2. Training and support for activists
3. Early access to specialist advice

Proposer : Kate Ramsden Seconder : Bob Revie



This AGM is deeply concerned at the threat to public sector jobs and services from cuts in public sector funding. Public services are essential to everyone in our community, particularly in this time of economic crisis, and the AGM recognises that if these services are cut back or privatised, this will have a serious effect and will result in increased costs for already hard pressed families.

The AGM rejects the accusations from those who created the economic crisis that the public sector is a drain on the economy, when, in fact, they have a crucial role in stimulating economic growth and play a key part in the economic well-being of our communities. Cutting public sector jobs, pay and pensions will lead to less money being spent in our communities to stimulate the economy. And if public services were cut they would order and contract less with the private sector. All of this will delay economic recovery.

This AGM welcomes UNISON's "million voices for change" and Public Works campaign to defend our public services. It recognises that members are key to this campaign. As both the front-line providers of public services and the users of public services, no one knows their importance and value better that we do.It also supports the work which UNISON Scotland is doing to influence the Manifestos of all the political parties for the forthcoming General Election.

This AGM calls on the Branch to continue its campaigning work under the Public Works banner, to raise awareness of the impact of public service cuts for both our members and the people who use our services, and to lobby for proper investment in our public services. It urges members to get involved on an individual basis, to add their voice to the campaign and to do their bit to defend our public services.

Proposed: Kate Ramsden Seconded: Tricia Morrison






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