Aberdeenshire UNISON

March for a Future that Works

Update 21st October 2012

Branch joins thousands in Glasgow to tell this UK government "Enough is enough."

Branch members and the Branch banner joined ten thousand marchers in George Square in Glasgow on 20th October to march for a future that works.

Click here for reports and photos on UNISON Scotland site

See all photos on

Branch banner in George Square

Many were up at the crack of dawn to get the free bus from Inverurie to Glasgow. Others made their own way to join the demo.

All were there to call for an end to austerity and public service cuts - which are making the economic situation worse and are hitting all except the 1% of the richest - and for a future where there is social justice and greater equality for all.

Branch Chair, Kate Ramsden interviewed on STV news told of the effects of the cuts on jobs and services.

Branch members marching
Branch members march down George Street

Branch members marching
Branch banner is one of many on the march

Naida and Inez with banner
Naida Sneddon and Inez Teece carry the banner on the march

Banner reaches Glasgow Green
Banner reaches Glasgow Green

Mike Kirby, UNISON's Scottish Secretary told the Rally in Glasgow Green, "Trade union members, their families and friends, know that the drastic spending cuts and attacks on benefits are hurting them
and are hurting the most vulnerable people in society.

Click here for Mike's speech in full

"Ordinary people are being asked to pay too high a price. Key public services are under attack and politicians need to be told that “enough is enough”.

Mike Kirby

Scottish Secretary,
Mike Kirby

He warned that even on their own terms government policies are failing. "Government borrowing has had to increase to £11.8 billion more than the previous government's. Even the economists who endorsed Osborne in 2010 are abandoning him," said Mike.

"Unless policies change the economy will not grow, incomes will not rise, and there will be almost no new jobs. If the government keeps on with big spending cuts and austerity we face a lost decade."

Mike went on, "The cuts we are facing across the UK are not about money but about politics. A politics that hates public services and loves to profit from privatisation.

"A politics that sees a workforce engaged in caring and educating
not as an achievement to be celebrated but as a problem to be tackled.

"But we shout loudly. Why should the jobs and services go
if the need still exists?” said Mike.

"Seventy years of social progress will be lost in a decade of destruction. But there is a Better Future that Works."


Update 7th October 2012

Join the March and Rally in Glasgow 20th October 2012

The Branch is calling on all members, Branch Officers, stewards and their families and friends to get along to the mass demonstration in Glasgow on 20th October to demand ‘a future that works’ as opposed to disastrous cuts and austerity policies. The event will coincide with similar events in London and Belfast.

The Branch, along with Aberdeen City Branch, will be running free buses from Inverurie via Aberdeen and Stonehaven, to Glasgow for the demo.

Bus 1  Depart Inverurie Town Hall @ 6.30am
 – Pick up in Aberdeen, Skene Street behind HMT @ 7am
 – Pick up at Stonehaven Square @ 7.30am
 – Glasgow

Bus 2  Depart Aberdeen, Skene Street behind HMT @ 7am
 – Pick up at Orchardbank Business Park near Forfar at Megabus stop @ 8.15am
 – Glasgow

It is very important that you contact the Resource Centre on 01224 620624 as soon as possible to book your places. We don’t want anyone disappointed!!

It is also really important that we have a great turn-out.

Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair said, "It must be very clear to the Government by now that cuts and austerity is not working - it is making things worse – yet still they refuse to change! It has never been more important to stand up and be counted. Please come along on 20th October and join with union members from across Scotland to get our message across.

"This is our chance to join other trade unionists and community activists from all across Scotland and to show them that enough is enough.

"Bring your friends and your family too!" added Kate.

For more information and to pledge support go to: http://www.stuc.org.uk/20-oct


Why we’re marching
20th October Glasgow & London

The STUC is organising a mass demonstration on 20th October in Glasgow. The event will coincide with a similar event in London under the banner ‘A future that works’.

The Coalition Government may be in crisis but they are still refusing to change course from their dangerous and damaging programme of cuts and austerity.

On the morning of Saturday 20th October, trade unionists and community activists from across Scotland will gather for a march through Glasgow to play our part in telling the Government that enough is enough. The Branch is calling on all members to get involved.

Watch this site for information about transport to Glasgow for the march.

In the coming weeks you can go to the STUC site to download publicity materials, find out about transport, or volunteer to help on the day.

You can sign-up to receive latest updatesat info@stuc.org.uk
