Aberdeenshire UNISON
Tell us why public services are important to you

Use this form to tell us why public services are important to you and click the 'submit' button at the bottom.

Q1. Please tell us your job.

Q2. Why are the services you provide important?

Q3. Please tell us how public services have helped you or your family.

Your Name: * required
Your Email Address: * required

UNISON will not use your name or email address for any other purpose than this form.

You can click the boxes below if you are happy to be quoted but in any case we will get back to you to check this out again first.

Please click this box if you are happy to be quoted in the Branch newsletter and website
Please click this box if you are happy for your quotes to be forwarded to UNISONScotland
Please type the letters above (case sensitive) in the box below. This proves you are a person, not a machine.
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