Phase 1 Housing Review June 2011
Members are concerned that decision have already been made as
UNISON calls for more work before implementation
UNISON has highlighted members' concerns about the proposals
in the Housing Review and has called on the council to ensure
that all jobs are appropriately sized before Phase 1 of the Housing
Review is implemented.
here to see response
Inez Teece
"The members who have contacted UNISON believe this process
will go ahead regardless of their opinions as staff have been
told they will match to posts before the process has finished
and prior to a matching panel being scheduled," said Inez
Teece, Branch Secretary, in UNISON's response to the consultation.
Other concerns include a reduction in the number of posts when
workloads are already unmanageable, how the matching process will
work with differently sized posts and the move towards functionality.
"Although this review is to be cost neutral there are concerns
that changes are being driven by 'efficiency' rather than improving
services for staff and customers," added Inez.