UNISON demands more information
May 2010
UNISON has raised concerns that not all staff received paperwork
about the review. The staff that have commented said that they
did not know what the review meant to them.
At present they do not know how Support for Learning Auxiliaries
time is currently allocated so the change to a formula based approach
has no meaning to them.
Staff know that they are busy and there are ever increasing demands
on their time by young people in schools who have ever increasing
needs. If the formula means they will have more people to do the
work then they are supportive.
Conversely they have a fear that the formula based approach will
reduce the numbers of staff with the same amount of work to be
UNISON is concerned that the consultation in itself cannot be
commented on in an informed way by the staff involved as they
have no details on which to base their comments. The formula does
not say if numbers will be reduced, how staff are to work or how
the future will be affected by these changes.
UNISON would request that once details are known of how changes
will effect the networks and staff directly that a further consultation
be carried out.
Inez Teece
Assistant Secretary