Modernisation Review - Sport and Leisure
Aberdeenshire UNISON response
The main issue raised by members was the view that under the present
structure there is serious under capacity to deliver the service.
This has led to stress related absences across the service and is
a matter raised by the Team in meetings.
To add to this workload as the review suggests by placing on CRO's
the management responsibility for Community use of all schools,
is seen as unworkable unless there is considerable additional staff
resource added in.This needs to be rexamined with involvement of
others in the wider EL&L service who are responsible for use of
school premises outside normal school hours.
Another matter of concern which will be multiplied if the above
proceeds, is the presently uneven distribution of responsibilities
with some CRO's having multi facility responsibilities sometimes
over a wide area. Further work is needed to identify reasonable
and equitable work packages (unless the bigger patches are given
additional assistance ?).
Concerns are expressed that teaching swimming is valued, in salary
terms as being worth more than teaching exercise classes or dry
sports coaching, when these require a similar or greater level of
qualification and experience to deliver.
On a similar note there are complications over shift allowances
which would see a supervisor who does Swimming Teaching losing pay
for doing this. This creates a real barrier to supporting lessons.
Members employed as receptionists at facilities are worried about
their positions as they may not be able/willing to take on the wider
role suggested.
Staffing levels across the service vary enormously based on historical
provision. This has led to a skewing of opinion whether you see
yourself at the good or bad end of that spectrum.
Many have commented that a full before and after picture across
the services would have helped inform the comments.
Bob Revie,
Branch Secretary