Aberdeenshire UNISON


Date: 15 November 2012

Aberdeenshire UNISON Welcomes A Living Wage For Council Workers

Aberdeenshire UNISON has welcomed the Council’s decision to pay the Scottish Living Wage to around 1500 of its lowest paid workers.

The Council had said it would introduce a living wage as part of its changes to terms and conditions but UNISON had called on the council to pay a living wage to its lowest paid workers without delay.

Inez Teece, Branch Secretary said, “We are delighted that the Council has listened to us and has agreed to introduce a living wage as soon as possible.

“With the cost of basics like food and fuel rising, this will be a godsend to our lowest paid workers. Although it won’t be in pay packets till into the New Year, it will still be a boost with Christmas coming up.”

Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair added, “This is good news for these workers. Council staff  have had a year on year pay freeze, which is a pay cut in real terms, and whilst this affects us all, it hits the lowest paid particularly hard. A living wage will go some way to changing that.

“When you think that almost 60% of children who live in poverty have at least one parent in work, you can see how important the living wage is.”


For further information contact:

Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair       07767 027722
Inez Teece, Branch secretary       07780781953

