Modernisation Review - Community Learning
and Development
Aberdeenshire UNISON response
It should be noted that most, if not all of our members who responded
sent their views direct. Some made response in considerable detail
and UNISON has stated our view that all comments made must be fully
evaluated and consideration given to them.
The main themes expressed by members are
- there was difficulty in commenting for some as they could not
see how their position would be placed by the proposal, in other
words concern about "matching"
- workers in Adult Basic Education see the proposal as ending
their role as a specific strand of CLD work - they are also concerned
about their status and where or how they will be dealt with in
the 2.5 posts per CSN - they see their position as a demotion
and are the only group so affected!
- there are some specific concerns about workers who are part
time and have 42 week contracts - they should be able to continue
on that basis if they wish
- there are issues about the workability between network and Area
pressures from the proposal, workers feel that SCLWs should be
allowed to focus on their network rather than have that diluted
by area responsibilities for communities of which they have no
direct experience
- what is the before/after position of staff numbers ? - there
is a feeling that there are more people than available posts resulting
in redundancy - this should be clear and explicit
- without person specs. members do not know which positions may
be open to their interest
- how are the Strategic Officers posts to be funded - this should
not be at the cost of basic provision
- there are serious concerns that Quality Assurance, a strong
feature of CLD over the last 4 years has not resulted in a permanent
- the absence of the provision of clerical/admin support to deliver
the service is criticised - it is felt that this review should
haven these included this provision
- Development Officer posts are welcomed but should be at the
same level as geographic team leaders
- a developed alternative structure was put forward which should
be fully considered.
Bob Revie,
Branch Secretary