Early years review 2010/11 - implications
for playgroups
July 2011
Support for members facing redeployment and redundancy
The branch has sent out a comprehensive Briefing to keep you
fully up to date with the closures of Playgroups and the implications
for members. Below is a brief update of the situation.
Phase 1 Playgroups
Members who are in Phase 1 Playgroups which closed at the end
of the school term should have received a formal letter from the
council asking you to come to a meeting in the first week of the
new term so that arrangements can be made to begin the redundancy
consultation process, discuss redeployment options and also what
each of you want to do during the consultation period.
The branch has identified a number of stewards to support
members through this process and they will make contact with you
very soon. They will be available to answer any queries and to
support members at meetings and ensure the redeployment and redundancy
process is properly followed.
Phase 2 Playgroups
It has now been clarified that the Head Teacher of the local primary
schools will take on the line management of the Phase 2 Playgroups
from August.
The council has emphasised that the transition from Playgroup
to nursery provision, planned for August 2012 was being carefully
considered - this is not a case of nurseries taking over playgroups,
rather they want to create a new collective model of pre-school
There will be more official consultation on the proposals early
2012 (Feb) and it has been agreed that staff will be given the
proposals in advance of the wider public consultation, probably
in January 2012.
Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair said, "We are aware that this
is a very worrying time, especially for members in the Phase 1
playgroups. A number of you have sent back the reply sheet to
indicate that you would like UNISON support and a steward will
be in contact with you over the next few weeks, to meet you and
to support you through the redeployment process. If any of you
has not sent back a sheet but needs support, please get in touch
and we can arrange for a steward to contact you."
June 2011
Branch responds to consultation
here for branch response to consultation.
May 2011
Consultation to begin on Friday 20th
Letters went out to trade unions and CLD playgroup staff on
Friday 20th May to begin the formal consultation on the proposed
closure of CLD Playgroups. This will end on Monday 13th June.
Letters offering playgroup staff (though not relief staff) the
opportunity to apply for voluntary severance were issued at the
same time.
This was agreed at a meeting on 17th May between the council
and trade unions.
The branch is encouraging all members to respond to the consultation
with all your concerns about the impact which the closure of the
Playgroups will have on staff and on the service to children,
parents and communities. Please copy the Branch into your responses
by emailing Kate
The Multi-Equality
Impact Assessment has now been completed and was received
by the trade unions last week. UNISON made some comments on this
and the council have agreed to amend it to include the action
they will be taking to minimise the impact of the Playgroup closures
on 2 year olds and children from poorer families who need local
Following the consultation period, letters will be sent out to
staff affected by closures in 2011 regarding redeployment and
redundancy. The council have assured the trade unions that all
staff will be supported through this process by their management
in CLD and by HR. Those of you who are UNISON members will also
have the support of a UNISON steward.
The redundancy and redeployment period will now extend beyond
the Summer holidays. The holiday period will not counct towards
it. It is not yet clear what staff will be expected to do after
the Summer break when Playgroups will have closed and this will
be considered again nearer the time.
A reminder that UNISON is here to support all our members
at this time, and we would advise you to contact us as soon as
possible, especially if you are likely to be facing redundancy
this year.
A reply sheet is attached to the April briefing and we are
asking members to complete it and return it as soon as possible.
We can then arrange to provide you with a branch contact who will
give you information and support.
Thanks to those members who have already returned the reply
sheet. We will be in contact with you individually at the end
of the consultation period to let you know who your steward will
May 2011
Consultation on playgroup closures delayed
The consultation period on the closure of playgroups was delayed
because the trade unions had not had sight of the Multi Equality
Impact Assessment on the impact of closing playgroups.
This decison was made by the council following a meeting with
the trade unions on 6th May 2011. Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair and
Debbie Stevenson, Westhill Playgroup attended on behalf of UNISON.
briefing has been sent out to playgroup members.
"The trade unions were unwilling to move to consultation
without seeing the equality impact assessment as we are clear
that the closures will have an impact on women, as both staff
and parents; and on children.The Impact assessment should demonstrate
the steps that Aberdeenshire Council will be taking to minimise
the effect on these groups," said Kate Ramsden.
A further meeting will be held on 17th May and it is likely that
the consultation letters will not now be sent out until 20th May
at the earliest.
This will delay the whole process but members should not worry
- those of you who face redundancy in 2011 will still get your
full redeployment period. The school holidays will not count towards
it and you will be paid until it is completed.
Voluntary severance
It was also agreed that voluntary severance
will be offered to all playgroup staff, whether they are facing
redundancy in 2011 or 2012.
Kate said, "This will enable those staff who wish to take
redundancy to do so without going through a redeployment process
first. The package will be the same as any redundancy package
so members will not lose out if they want to go down this route."
If any member is interested in taking voluntary severance,
please feel able to contact UNISON for advice.
Management of playgroups into the future
Kate added, "The council recognises that there is a great
deal of anxiety amongst playgroup staff about how the playgroups
which are to remain open till 2012 will be managed, as they move
into the Education, Learning and Leisure Service. The council
have said that they will try to give as much information as possible
about this in the consultation letter.
"They made it clear, however, that after 2012, council run
playgroups will cease to exist in their current form and the additional
provision needed to meet demand will be provided through pre-school
"They indicated that in some areas, nursery provision will
need to be extended, with some redeployment of staff from playgroup
to nursery. In other areas there may be a need for "outreach"
nursery provision."
The council is at the very early stages of planning for this
but has pledged to keep staff and unions informed.
The council is also looking at the sustainability of two of
the Playgroups which are to be kept open till 2012 but where numbers
are low.
"They told us that there is no change at present to the
commitment to keep these open and to maintain staff at the current
level and this will be discussed again at our next meeting,"
said Debbie Stevenson.
UNISON is here to support all our members at this time,
and we would advise you to contact us as soon as possible, especially
if you are likely to be facing redundancy.
A reply sheet is attached to the April briefing and we are
asking members to complete it and return it as soon as possible.
We can then arrange to provide you with a branch contact who will
give you information and support.
April 2011
Council to consult on closure of 9 playgroups
At a meeting with trade unions on 30th March 2011, the council
confirmed that 9 playgroups will be recommended for closure as
of August 2011. Letters will be sent out to affected staff w/b
18th April and there will then be a 21 day consultation period.
Please note, the council has advised that
there has been a delay in sending out these letters and they have
not yet been issued. A further meeting with the trade unions will
be held on 5th May when further details will be given.
The branch has sent a
briefing out to all members updating them on the situation
and urging members to respond to the consultation.
"The council appears to have taken on board many of the
concerns already expressed by UNISON members and included in UNISON's
briefing to councillors," said Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair,
who attended the meeting.
Kate Ramsden |
"They tell us they have undertaken both an Equality Impact
Assessment and a Child Impact Assessment and will be making both
of them available to the trade unions in the next few days."
Please note, the trade unions have not
yet had sight of the Multi Equality Impact Assessment (MEqIA)
despite several follow up requests and this is still awaited.
It is likely that members working in the playgroups recommended
for closure in 2011 will face redundancy. Most will be entitled
to be considered for redeployment and the council has not been
filling vacancies on a permanent basis where posts may be suitable
for redeployment.
UNISON is here to support all our members facing redundancy
at this time, and we would advise you to contact us as soon as
possible if you are likely to be one of them.
A reply sheet is attached to the briefing and we are asking
members to complete it and return it as soon as possible. We can
then arrange to provide you with a branch contact who will give
you information and support.
The remaining 8 CLD playgroups will continue to operate as they
do now between Aug 2011 and Summer 2012.
However interim management and funding of all 8 of these playgroups
will transfer to EL&L as of August 2011. As yet there is no information
about how this will be managed or organised for individual playgroups.
UNISON has emphasised that this is creating a great deal of anxiety
for members and the council have agreed to bring forward proposals
as soon as possible.
March 2011
Branch warns that quality and choice will be lost when playgroups
Aberdeenshire UNISON has sent out a
Briefing to councillors warning that plans to close all council
playgroups by 2012 will lead to a loss of quality provision and
choice for parents.
We also
issued a press release on 17th March 2011.
here to see article in Press and Journal.
UNISON has attended a number of the informal meetings held with
staff from each playgroup in Aberdeenshire. From these meetings,
and in discussion with our members, the branch has identified
a number of concerns as we move towards the closure of council
playgroups in Aberdeenshire by 2012.
Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair said, "We recognise that there is
over-provision for 3-5 year olds in some areas. However, the loss
of all playgroups will mean that parents will have no choice about
where they place their children in their pre-school year.
"At present, parents tend to put their 3 year olds into playgroup
and move them to nursery school when they are 4. This allows their
children to have a year in the more nurturing and less formal
environment of the playgroup before moving them to nursery school
in their pre-school year. Parents are now faced with the prospect
of placing their 3 year olds straight into larger classes in nursery
"We are also concerned that closing playgroups in areas where
there is no nursery school provision will make it much harder
for parents to access pre-school provision for their children.
For example, in Potterton there is no public transport to the
nearest nursery school at Balmedie.
"This could disadvantage many families, especially those without
their own transport, and is likely to particularly affect children
from poorer families, the very children that the original Early
Years' Review report wanted to prioritise."
UNISON has also identified the potential to lose very well qualified
staff from Early Years provision if not all can be redeployed.
The branch has warned, however, that a move to independent status
for a playgroup could seriously disadvantage our members. "We
believe that it is extremely unlikely that most playgroups would
be financially sustainable, especially since the council has been
clear that it is unlikely to commission places from them,"
said Kate.
UNISON has asked the council to undertake an Equality Impact
Assessment as we believe that the closures will impact more on
women both as workers and as parents. However, we have not yet
had sight of this. We have also called for the council to do a
Child Impact Assessment on the effect of the closures. Click
here for more information on Child Impact Assessments/Children's
Rights Impact Assessments (Note:this will take you to the website
of Scotland's Children's Commissioner.)
The trade unions are continuing to meet with the council about
the proposals. The next step is likely to be a formal consultation
with staff and stakeholders about the closures. The branch will
brief members once we are clearer about timescales and will be
encouraging members to respond to the consultation.
Dec 2010
Playgroups will close as Council
approves Early Years Review Report
A number of Playgroups face closure or a move to independent
status as Councillors approved the proposals in the Early Years
Review Report at their meeting on 9th Dec 2010.
here to see a copy of the Report to the Education, Learning and
Leisure Committee
UNISON along with other unions, met with representatives from
Aberdeenshire Council on 8th December, following a series of Briefing
Meetings for parents and staff held in November.
UNISON had received a copy of the Early Years Review report which
shows over-provision in places for 3-5 year olds in Nurseries
and Playgroups. The Council will fill the Nursery places first.
This means that there will be less or perhaps no need for the
Council to commission places from Playgroups in some areas and
the Report proposes that some playgroups will need to move to
independent status or close.
This is in line with the indications given by the Council last
December (see here).The Branch has sent out
Briefing to all our Playgroup members to advise them of the
situation and what will happen next.
Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair, said, "We appreciate that this
is a worrying time for members and we are here to support you
and to give advice. As you would expect, we will be working with
the council to make sure that all your rights are respected and
the proper procedures are followed.
"We would emphasise however, that even if you are one of
the employees affected, there will be no change to your employment
until the end of the school year in June."
Sarah Duncan, Regional Organiser added, "UNISON does have
concerns about the proposals for some Playgroups to move to independent
status, as the financial support for that is limited and it is
likely that Playgroups will need additional sources of income.
"We would advise members to think very carefully and seek
advice before agreeing to transfer their employment to independent
UNISON will be meeting again with Council representatives
once a series of council meetings with playgroup staff has been
completed, and we will keep members updated with any developments.
If you have any comments or queries, please email Kate
Ramsden, Branch Chair or telephone 01224 620624 and leave
a message.
Dec 2009
UNISON secures council pledge to consult staff and unions in Playgroups
UNISON along with GMB and Unite met with Rod Stone, Head of
Service for Lifelong Learning and Leisure, and Anne Simpson, CLD
manager on 20th Nov 2009, to discuss the implications of the forthcoming
review for playgroup staff.
Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair, who attended the meeting said, "This
meeting came about as a result of the concerns of UNISON members
who are playgroup staff, that changes were being proposed for
playgroups without proper consultation. UNISON took these concerns
up with the council and as a result, a meeting was convened to
explain the position. The council assured the trade unions that
the review will follow proper procedures and there will be full
consultation. They pledged that no decisions or action will be
taken on the future of playgroups until the review has been completed."
Reasons for review
In a letter to all playgroup staff, Anne Simpson, CLD manager
has explained that the review has come about because there have
been significant changes agreed by the government in recent years
to the provision that local authorities must make for pre-school
education. The Education, Learning & Leisure Committee agreed
that a review of Early Years Provision in Aberdeenshire should
be undertaken in order to ensure that the council provides both
the number of places required and that provision meets the necessary
One of the aims of the review is to adopt a more integrated approach
to Early Years provision within the Education Learning and Leisure
Service which will involve transferring the responsibility for
playgroups currently managed through Community Learning and Development
to an integrated Early Years Service. The council expects the
review to be completed by the summer of 2010. Until the review
reports, there will be no changes to the current playgroup provision.
The first part of the review will examine the number of early
years places that need to be provided in each Community School
Network and the level of provision that is required to offer a
place to all those parents who wish one. Work on this is underway.
This will allow the Education, Learning & Leisure Service to plan
more effectively and efficiently to meet the requirement by Scottish
Government to provide quality early years places for all 3-5 year
The letter makes clear that through the review the council will
ensure that pre-school education is provided for all three to
five year olds and for younger children with special needs. Financial
support will be provided by the Aberdeenshire Childcare Partnership
with supplementary funding coming from Surestart for those with
special needs.
Implications for staff - UNISON will support members
It warns, however, that this funding is finite so the council
will not be able to fund places which exceed the required provision.
This is likely to have implications for a number of playgroups
that currently operate under the auspices of Community Learning
and Development but, until the review is at a more advanced stage,
it is not possible to say which playgroups will be affected, and
no changes will be implemented until the review is completed.
However, it is likely that the review will have implications
for some playgroups and some staff. The service has pledged to
follow Council procedures in relation to any staff who might be
affected by the outcome of this review and UNISON will continue
to support any members affected.
UNISON will continue to meet with the other trade unions and
management as the review progresses to discuss the implications
for staff in each network and will ennsure members are kept informed
and consulted as appropriate.
Anne Simpson and Glenda Gray from Human Resources will be arranging
to meet with each Playgroup and its staff in the New Year to discuss
the situation. Parents will also be given information about this
review and why it is being undertaken and given an assurance that
places will be provided to all who are entitled to them.
In concluding her letter to playgroup staff, Anne Simpson says
"I am sure you will appreciate the necessity of carrying
out the review but I understand that you may have concerns about
how you will be affected by it. Please be assured that no decisions
or action will be taken on the future of the Playgroups or the
staff until the review has been completed."