Aberdeenshire UNISON

Get the most from UNISON as the Technical Review is implemented in schools

Members' feedback from questionnaire about Technical Review

As Aberdeenshire Council begins to implement the review of school technical services the branch is looking at ways to best support our members affected by the review and to encourage more of you to become active in the branch. The branch wrote out to all members with a short questionnaire and has now collated the responses.

The branch will now be taking your comments and feeding them back to management. We will also be using the comments made to help us to give our technician members the best possible support at this difficult time.

If you have queries and comments please contact Tricia Morrison on 01224 620624.

52% returned the postal questionnaire. Of those, the vast majority (92%) had been able to attend the local review meeting.

Most felt they had sufficient notice (72%) and encouragement from their line manager to attend (80%) and almost everyone (97%) felt they were given the opportunity to ask questions at the meeting. Two thirds of you got time to prepare for the meeting and thought you had been made to feel welcome when you attended.

However, many of you were disappointed in the facilitators' level of knowledge of the review process and felt that they were ill-informed and did not give straight answers. Often they did not seem to have the understanding to answer questions adequately which was very frustrating. You did not feel that they sufficiently understood the jobs that you do and did not care about the impact of the review on many staff.

A number of you were left feeling very unsatisfied and worried and almost 70% of you felt more insecure about your job following the meeting. Your comments show that many of you do not feel that the views of technical staff and teachers given as part of the consultation, were taken into account and that the serious concerns raised made no difference to the outcome of the review. You did not feel that your expertise and skills have been recognised and there is a clear sense that many of you feel degraded and devalued by the review process and the outcome. Many of you describe anxiety and stress within the workplace as a result.

Those of you on temporary contracts feel especially vulnerable and the way supervisory technicians were dealt with came in for particular criticism. You were also concerned at the short time-scale for appeals.

Some of you were unhappy with the support from UNISON throughout this process and would have welcomed a UNISON presence at each of the meetings.

That is why we need more of you to become stewards or even contacts. We will provide you with training, support and information to support your colleagues throughout the challenging time ahead. You are the people who know your job best and who are best paced to do this.
Click here for a stewards application form or contact the branch resource centre on 01224 620624 for more information.


Technical Review update Jan 2009

The branch has written out to all UNISON members asking them to fill in a short questionnaire giving their experience of the technical review and how they were informed about it. Click here for letter.

It has also written to all those technicians who are not trade union members to encourage them to join UNISON and benefit from the supports that UNISON membership can offer. Click here for letter

Tricia Morrison"There are many benefits to joining UNISON," said Tricia Morrison, herself a school technician and UNISON steward, who is spearheading the campaign.

"We provide advice and representation on various issues i.e. pay, working practices, leave, sickness procedures and Health and Safety in the workplace. Being a UNISON member also gives a wide range of other benefits such as insurance, holiday deals, education and training and many more," she added, urging non members to consider joining. Application forms were sent out with the letters.

Click here to join UNISON now
