UNISON Aberdeenshire Branch Campaign
Equal Pay
Aims and objectives
Description of campaign
What was achieved?
Where to now?
Aims of the campaign
- To inform members about their rights to equal pay and UNISON's
negotiations on their behalf
- To advise all members of UNISON's position on Aberdeenshire
Council's equal pay offer
- To provide direct advice to individual members in respect of
their offer of compensation for pay inequality
- To be available for advice to non-members with queries, in order
to encourage UNISON membership
- To identify and support members who have a case to challenge
offers which do not reflect their full compensation rights
- To ensure that the branch meets its responsibilities under
equal pay legislation
- To encourage members to be more active, especially in areas
where the branch is under-represented
- To raise the profile of UNISON
- All members of UNISON Aberdeenshire, but specifically those
entitled to compensation for pay inequality, mainly low paid women
- Non-members who may wish to join
The campaign was initiated in May and the first phase ended in
September. This will now be reviewed to learn from the successes
and problems.
Branch Contact: Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair. Email:kate.ramsden@aberdeenshire.gov.uk
Phone: 07767 027722