Aberdeenshire UNISON

UNISON Aberdeenshire Branch Campaign

Equal Pay

What did we achieve?

  • We provided advice to many of our low paid members to help them to reach a decision about whether or not to accept their offer. A number of the solicitors present sent people over to us for advice.
  • From this the branch gained 6 new contacts from amongst the areas previously without representation.
  • The branch has lodged grievances on behalf of over 100 of our members to protect their right to compensation for past inequalities. This includes a number of group grievances, including one on behalf of classroom assistants. It has also lodged tribunal claims for many members who would otherwise be time barred.
  • Aberdeenshire UNISON covers a geographically large and rural area. In attending the signing days we were able to meet a large number of members and non-members, many of whom work in isolated areas.
  • Membership has increased by 10%, we believe in part as a direct result of UNISON's attendance at the signing days. It now stands at 2686 members
  • We were able to widen out the involvement of branch stewards in the process and increased their knowledge of equal pay and their confidence in their activist role.
  • We raised the profile of the branch amongst our members and the public at large.



Where to now?

To a large degree we consider that we did achieve the aims we set ourselves when we planned the campaign with the additional benefit of increasing our branch membership. However, it does not end here. Although many people accepted their offers, others have chosen to pursue equal pay claims with the union's support. So the campaign has generated more work for the branch.

It is hoped, however, that all the work which was put into the campaign will pay dividends for the branch in the long-term as we look to the way forward from here. We have identified the following as the next steps for the branch and we will now be looking at how best to achieve these aims.

  • Continuing to represent those who did not receive or did not accept an offer.
  • Building a classroom assistant network " Supporting, training and developing the new contacts
  • Encouraging the existing stewards, who became more active because of the equal pay campaign, to keep up these activities; and ensuring the branch officers delegate and involve the stewards more.

Prepared by Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair, UNISON Aberdeenshire


