UNISON Scotland Welfare pages | UNISON UK Welfare pages
If you would like any help filling out any forms for benefits or are in financial difficulties, please contact the branch office at 01224 620624
We are aware of the pressures UNISON members face on a daily basis and can provide support at times of unforeseen financial hardship or personal difficulty such as redundancy, bereavement, illness or relationship breakdown.
UNISON Welfare, “There for You” is our own registered charity, and can offer; Support; Confidential Advice; and Financial Assistance UNISON Welfare is exclusively for UNISON members and their dependents at times of special need. Contact the branch officer or branch secretary.
You can also be put in touch the Scottish Welfare Committee by phoning 0870 7777 006. You are always best to approach your branch first.
Welfare Officers and the Welfare Committee have experience in advocacy for members and putting them in touch with other agencies which may also be able to help.