Social work and social care

UNISON is by far the largest union representing most social work and social care staff in Scotland. We represent social work and social care staff in all specialisms, social workers, residential workers, OTs, and professional, admin and clerical support staff. We also represent home care and care home staff. During the COVID-19 pandemic we have been active in supporting our members, working to ensure their health and safety, and in promoting the key work that they do to support our most vulnerable citizens.

Latest news

NCS bill – new amendment on National Social Work Agency – MUST READ for social work members

NSWA briefing
The National Care Service bill is at Stage 2 and the Scottish Government has published its proposed amendments. This includes ... Read More

Drop in sessions in Ellon for social care workers – find out more about “fair work”

Event poster
UNISON social care organiser, Robert Allan, will be in Ellon to get the views of those working in Social Care ... Read More

Meet Robert who is working to support members in social care

Meet Robert who is working to support members in social care
Robert Allan is a UNISON organiser working to support our members in the care sector.  Robert will be spending 18 ... Read More

Survey Report on Social Work Paraprofessionals

Survey Report on Social Work Paraprofessionals
The branch has raising for some years, that social work paraprofessionals are increasingly carrying out the roles of qualified social ... Read More

Winning for social work paraprofessionals – Wed 10 May 1pm

Winning for social work paraprofessionals - Wed 10 May 1pm
All UNISON branch members who are social work assistants, family support workers and other skilled ‘paraprofessional’ staff who work in ... Read More

Survey for social work members on the National Care Service Bill – please complete

thumbnail of Social-Work-damage-November-2019
This is an important message for all our social work members. The National Care Service (NCS) (Scotland) Bill proposes massive changes ... Read More

UNISON Scotland Social Work Issues Group

UNISON Scotland has a Social Work Issues Group (SWIG) with reps from branches across Scotland, specifically addressing Social Work issues.

UNISON Scotland campaigns actively on a range of issues relevant to our social work and social care members. We have issued a Manifesto for Social Work in Scotland, which we produced jointly with the British Association of Social Workers (BASW) and we have taken the lead on issues such as direct payments. We have also issued a Workload Management and Supervision Negotiating Resource and a Guide for Social Work Practitioners, Keeping Safe in the Workplace.  SWIG recently updated our Guide to supporting asylum seekers, Refugee and Asylum in Scotland.  At a UK level, UNISON has issued the Ethical Care Charter.

UNISON Scotland also promotes the important role of our members in social work and social care in the media and we challenge negative press and media reporting. We believe that we have had some success in improving the profile of social work in the media and in promoting a better understanding of the work done by social work members and the pressures faced.

 For more information on UNISON Scotland’s work on social work issues, click here.
