UNISON Aberdeenshire branch Health and Safety (H&S) team have commenced a scheduled list of H&S Inspections throughout Aberdeenshire Council workplaces.
Graham Wilson (H&S Officer), Gabor Molnar (H&S Rep) and myself visited the various depots located at Anderson Road, Fraserburgh on 29th August to commence our first H&S Inspection. The visit took place over a few hours with quite an extensive list of issues found.
A report was drafted and sent to the relevant Council personnel to action our findings. Whilst one issue was quite serious (this was remedied urgently by the council on our request) the vast majority of issues did not require immediate action. A return visit will be scheduled in due course to ensure our recommendations have been completed.
Our next scheduled visits are due to take place as follows:
Old Fire Station, Ugie Street, Peterhead – Thursday 10th October at 09.30
Business Park, Damhead Road, Peterhead – Friday 15th November 09.30
Kirkton Depot, Kirkton Road, Stonehaven – Thurs 12th December 09.30
We are always keen to engage with members before, during and after inspections; if you see us whilst we are out and about please come over to say hello plus you can advise us of any concerns you have.
Our aim is that you go home safe at the end of your working day, we will do what it takes to make your workplace as safe as possible. We look forward to meeting with you whilst we are out and about.
If you are interested in becoming a H&S representative within the branch, full training is given and you should be entitled to paid time off your work to attend this training. More details can be found by clicking here.
If you would like to discuss further please contact me direct.
Karen Donaldson
Area Organsier