The branch is holding a Women‘s event next Tuesday 30th March at 6pm on Teams, as part of Women’s History Month.
We are urging all our women members to come along to help us plan the future of our Women’s Group.
Speakers will include our Women’s Officer, Kim McIntosh who will feedback on the results of a recent branch survey.
Kate Ramsden our Branch Co-chair and member of UNISON’s national leadership will speak about UNISON’s priorities and how to get involved in UNISON.
Kathleen Kennedy our Equalities Coordinator will give a general update on what is happening in Equalities in the branch and beyond.
Afterwards there will be an open forum to discuss how we take the Women’s Self Organised Group forward.
Please register on ABERDEENSHIRE BRANCH WOMEN PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Tickets, Tue 30 Mar 2021 at 18:00 | Eventbrite by mid-day on Tuesday 30th March – where an invite will be sent out to all those registered.