Here is the latest update from Johanna Baxter, Head of Local Government for UNISON Scotland who sits on the Scottish Workforce Advisory Group
Click on the graphic to the right for updated guidance to support those working in social or community care and residential settings to give advice to their staff and users of their services about COVID-19.
Social or community and residential care is taken to include:
- long-term conditions services
- prison residential settings
- rehabilitation settings
- community healthcare settings
- community-based settings for people with mental health needs
- community-based settings for people with a learning disability
- community social care (domiciliary care services including those provided for children) settings
- community-based settings for people who misuse substances
- local authority social work fieldwork services
- residential children’s homes, including secure children’s homes
- care home settings with or without nursing
- support to people in their own homes, either from a service or from staff directly employed
We await the updated guidance for those working in non-care settings – which will cover issues related to PPE/social distancing in areas like waste – and will circulate that as soon as it becomes available.
Reminder of useful links:
- Joint COSLA – TU FAQs for LG workers; https://www.cosla.gov.uk/news/2020/03/covid-19-employee-faqs
- Fair Pay for Scottish Council Workers Facebook page (being updated regularly) – https://www.facebook.com/FairPayForScottishCouncilWorkers
- SJC Guidance on Covid-19 Pay and condition protections – https://unison-scotland.org/wp-content/uploads/SJC-60-Coronavirus-Quarantine-and-SJC-Provisions.pdf
- SJC Guidance on Home working, vulnerable groups and deployment to other tasks – https://unison-scotland.org/wp-content/uploads/SJC-61-COVID-19-Homeworking-Advice.pdf
- SSSC regulatory changes and impact on home care/support – https://news.sssc.uk.com/news/regulatory-changes-during-the-coronavirus-covid-19-pandemic
- NH Isolation certificate for employees required to provide evidence re isolation – https://www.nhsinform.scot/illnesses-and-conditions/infections-and-poisoning/coronavirus-covid-19?fbclid=IwAR2HDh_ncdvdlY9aOLdq5Bpuu_Go-X4-RU5vBxMMIqaPX2f8bbCI9Porzg4
- General link for members to get information on their benefits from the government – https://benefits-calculator.turn2us.org.uk/AboutYou
- Thompsons general advice on employer/employee legal responsibilities – https://unison-scotland.org/legal-briefing-employer-employee-legal-responsibilities