UNISON branches, in the North of Scotland, have come together to discuss how to address concerns raised by their members around violent incidents in education and early years settings.
Branches from Aberdeen City, Aberdeenshire, Highland, Moray, Orkney, Shetland, and Western Isles are launching a campaign aimed at reducing these episodes which our members report they regularly face in their workplace.
The starting point for the “Stop the Silence; End the Violence” campaign is to ask you, our members, to complete a survey; the information from this will be collated along with other statistics which will allow us to approach local authorities to demand action is taken!
The survey is now live, your UNISON branch would appreciate you completing this as soon as possible; the deadline for completion is 12th April 2024.
Previous surveys have highlighted a good starting point for us to move forward, although we need to evidence from all branches to be matching.
An action plan is in place, and branch representatives are meeting fortnightly now to move this campaign forward. We need members help over the coming weeks; please keep an eye on social media, share posters and documents issued with your UNISON colleagues.
Encourage those who are not members to join; https://join.unison.org.uk and remember we can never have enough workplace contacts or stewards. Contact your local branch for more details.