The branch is calling on all members to vote in this year’s elections to the national executive council (NEC). Voting opens on 4th May.
The NEC is the lay leadership of the union and is elected by members to speak on their behalf. It is important that all members have a say as the NEC sits at the heart of the decisions made on your behalf.
Despite the pandemic, the union is determined that its democratic life will continue.
Members elect candidates to represent their region and their service group, while there are also additional seats for Black members, young members and disabled members.
As with all other UNISON elections, the union’s principles of proportionality and fair representation mean that some seats are reserved for women and low-paid members, so that the make-up of the NEC fairly represents the wider union.
Aberdeenshire branch nominated the following candidates. However, how you vote is up to each individual member. But please do vote and return your ballot paper.
Scotland Female Seats (2) – Kate Ramsden & Davena Rankin
Scotland Male Seat – Jim McFarlane
Scotland General Seat – Stephen Smellie
Scotland Low Paid Women’s Seat – Lyn Marie O’Hara
General Seat – Graeme Ellis
Disabled Members Female Seat – Katrina Murray

“Democracy is at the heart of everything we do at UNISON and despite all the difficulties of the current pandemic, these important NEC elections are going ahead,” said General Secretary, Christina McAnea.
“I’d encourage all members to take part in the elections. UNISON is your union and this is your opportunity to help shape the direction of the UK’s biggest union.
“It only takes a few minutes, so please vote in our NEC elections.”
This year’s key dates are:
4 May – voting begins as voting papers are sent to members;
13 May – the voting helpline for members opens;
20 May – the voting helpline closes;
27 May – voting ends.
For all the details about these elections – including details of the helpline – click here