What is National Conference?
UNISON’s annual national conference is the union’s ruling body. Every year delegates from all over the country take part in debates to choose our campaigning priorities and policies. Click here for reports on Aberdeenshire Branch at Conferences.
Every UNISON branch elects reps to attend annual conference and to vote on behalf of their local branch members. Scotland has about 200 delegates. This branch has three. Two must be women and one of these must be a low paid woman, to reflect the make-up of the branch.
The Standing Orders Committee (SOC) is responsible for the business of National Delegate Conference and for making sure that everyone at conference abides by the rules.
Branches, along with Regions, self organised groups and the National Executive Council (the elected body which runs UNISON on a day to be basis, governed by the policies made at conference) can put forward motions to be debated at conference or can amend motions which have been submitted. Delegates vote on the motions in line with branch policy, where we have that in place and can speak for or against the motions and amendments.
National service group executives and conferences
Service group conferences bring together members across the country doing similar kinds of jobs or working for the same kinds of employers. This branch’s service group is local government. It has its conference just before the National Conference.
Branches, along with Regions, self organised groups and the Service Group Executive (SGE) can put forward motions to be debated at conference or can amend motions which have been submitted. Delegates will vote on the motions in line with branch policy, where we have that in place. Delegates can also speak for or against the motions and amendments and branch delegates have a good record of participating in debates at this conference. (See previous conference reports.)
Branch members can stand for election to the local government service group executive (the elected body which runs the service group in UNISON).