
If you have a work problem or query, in the first instance get in touch with your Aberdeenshire UNISON branch steward. You’ll get information about who’s who further down this page.

  • write to: Aberdeenshire UNISON,
    Area Resource Centre,
    7 Alford Place,
    Aberdeen, AB10 1YD
  • email: click here to contact us by email
  • UNISON direct 0800 0857 857
  • Area Resource Centre in Aberdeen 01224 620624

Who’s Who?
Feb 2024-25

Chair:  Audrey McCabe and Graham Wilson job-share the Chair role. Both can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624
Chair: Graham Wilson and Audrey McCabe job-share the Chair role. Both can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624
Steve Gray Vice-chair: Steve Gray is our vice-chair. He can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624
Inez Kirk Secretary: Inez Kirk is our branch secretary and can be contacted by e-mail: inez.kirk or by phone 01224 620624
 Ann Gray Assistant Secretary: Ann Gray is our assistant branch secretary. She deals with a range of service condition issues and campaigning and representation work with a focus on education.
Treasurer: Jackie Roy is our treasurer. Jackie can be contacted via the Branch Resource Centre on 01224 620624
Communications Officer : Graham Wilson is Comms Officer and can be contacted on
Morag Lawrence Magazine Editor: Morag Lawrence can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624 Click here to see the branch magazine UNISON Matters.
Equalities Co-ordinator: Ian Kirkwood-Allen is our equalities officer. He can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624.
Health and safety officer: Graham Wilson is our H & S Officer. Graham can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624
Health and safety reps:
Steve Gray and Jackie Roy and Graham Wilson are our Aberdeenshire council Health and Safety reps;

Audrey McCabe, Benson Mugyenti and Annette Simpson and
Audrey Mitchell are all  Cornerstone Health and Safety reps

Segun Adebayo is a CVS Health and Safety rep

Black members’ officer: Benson Mugyenyi is our Black members officer and can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624
 Steve Gray Steve Gray is our Green Champion. Steve can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624
Welfare Officer: Vacancy. Ask your steward for any welfare advice. Click here for welfare information.
Kathleen Kennedy Branch Development Officer: Kathleen Kennedy is the current Branch development Officer.  Sghe can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224620624.
Cornerstone Convener: James Kelly is the Cornerstone Convener. He is based in Glasgow and can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224620624.
CVS Convener: Segun Adebayo is the CVS Convener. He can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224620624.
Kathleen Kennedy Labourlink officer: Kathleen Kennedy is the current Labourlink Officer for those in the branch who pay into the Affiliated Political Fund (APF).
Morag Lawrence Retired members’ officer: Our retired member’s officer is Morag Lawrence. Morag can be contacted via the Area resource centre by phone on 01224 620624.
Morag Lawrence Pensions’ Champion: Morag Lawrence is our Pensions Champion. She is based at Woodhill House and can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224 620624
Simon Watson Full Time Officer: Simon Watson is our regional organiser (RO). He has only recently been appointed as UNISON RO but he has worked for a long time as a National Officer in UNISON for the Community and Voluntary sector. Simon can be contacted via the UNISON Resource Centre on 01224620624.