The branch has welcomed Aberdeenshire Council’s announcement that the pay rise and back pay will be in members’ March pay packets.
Inez Kirk, Branch Secretary said, “This is a great outcome for our members and council staff who are not yet members.
“UNISON has led on negotiations which have smashed the 1% pay cap our members have endured for many years and have secured a pay rise that will see staff get over 6.5% uplift in their April pay packet.”
Branch co-chair, Kate Ramsden added, “This pay rise shows the benefits of being in a trade union. Imagine how much stronger our negotiations could be if we had more members?
“Now is the time to join UNISON to make sure you have a say, not just on pay but on protecting our terms and conditions at a time of cuts to council budgets.
“With the support of even more members our branch will have even more clout.”
Click here to find out how to join
If you are a Universal Credit claimant click on the graphic to find out how the back pay will affect you.
The three-year agreement for the above staff groups comprises of the following:
- 2018/19 – an increase of 3.5% (capped at £80,000, after which a flat rate of £1,600 will apply)
- 2019/20 – an increase of 3%
- 2020/21 – an increase of 3%
The award will also see the Scottish Local Government Living Wage rise from £8.51 to £8.81 per hour in April 2018, £9.07 in April 2019 and £9.34 in April 2020.
The new salary/hourly rates and allowance payments are now available on Arcadia.
The pay awards will be backdated to 1st April 2018. The new rates will be applied with immediate effect and March salaries will include any appropriate backdated salary and allowance payments.
For the following allowances, employees should commence claiming the updated 2018/19 rates as of 1 March 2019. Any late allowance forms still to be submitted for the period prior to 1 March 2019 should also be completed using the updated 2018/19 rates.
- Standby Duty Payments
- Registrars Allowance
- Residents on Holiday Allowance
- Standby Retainer Payment for Social Workers
For allowances earned from 1 April 2019 onwards, the rates for 2019/20 should be applied.
The pay award for Teachers and Associated Professionals has yet to be agreed.
If you have any queries, please contact AskHR on 01467 534400 or by email at: