Aberdeenshire UNISON has nominated Christina McAnea in the election for the next General Secretary of UNISON.
The branch committee voted by a majority to nominate Christina at its online meeting on 3rd September with the Regional Organiser in attendance.
Our reasons were as follows:
“Committee members were impressed by Christina’s experience and background as a current Assistant General Secretary who has been to the fore in demanding protections for members throughout the Covid pandemic.
As a predominantly female union we were of the view that the time has come for a strong female leader. We were impressed with Christina’s commitment to addressing the challenges faced by our women members in care and elsewhere; her commitment to devolution within the union and her strong anti-racism message.”
The current General Secretary, Dave Prentis announced his intention to stand down in December and the process is underway to elect his successor.
Elections will be held soon, giving an opportunity for all our members to have a say who leads our union into the future. We are encouraging all our members to vote when the ballot papers are issued.