All members are urged to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Aberdeenshire Branch of UNISON on 17th February 2021. There are two aggregate meetings to enable you to attend: 12-2pm and later from 16-8pm.
Due to the current pandemic the Annual General Meeting is being held online as a GoTo Meeting. Joining details have been emailed and posted out to members.
The Agenda, Officer/Steward Nomination List and Motions – being presented at the AGM along with all other paperwork that would normally be tabled at the meeting can be found in the below links.
If we have your current home address on file you will also receive this invite and paperwork by post. Please note that there were a couple of changes to the paperwork after it had been sent for posting and therefore this email contains the most up to date paperwork.
These changes include the addition of the Treasurer’s Report and the removal of Helen Kelly as being nominated for Health & Safety Officer.
Nominations Receieved for Officers and Stewards

Branch secretary Inez Kirk said, “Whether you work for Aberdeenshire Council, Cornerstone or one of the many other employers Aberdeenshire UNISON represents we aim to have something for everyone. Cuts in every employer and demands on your time continue!
“We need you, our members, to participate. We need you to respond to surveys and ballots, to have your say and shape the way your branch operates, to ensure your views are represented and heard.
“Within these AGMs we endeavour to be as inclusive as possible, with the AGM concentrating on issues that matter to you, our motions are a way of shaping not only our policies going forward but also that of the larger trade union across Britain and the trade union movement.
“Now is the time for workers to come together to protect jobs and livelihoods going forward. The Global Covid Pandemic has shone a light on the often forgotten workforce, delivering services to society and the most vulnerable.
“Brexit has also raised the ugly potential for workers rights to be axed in order to create a global market without the protections that European law once offered us. We need to work together to defend these rights and we can only do that as a united movement.
“The AGM is your chance to hear about the work we are doing on your behalf and a chance for you to shape the future of your Union. Members of the Branch Committee will be on hand to answer any questions or just to chat.
“We very much hope that you will come along and look forward to seeing you there.”