Health and Safety News

Covid 19 – Local Government and CVS Workforce Issues

This is an update from Johanna Baxter, our UNISON Scotland rep on the Workforce Advisory Group.

Please note the changes to the SSSC registration requirements to support the needs of vulnerable people over this period and the plight of third sector care providers. The school closures were also discussed with referenec to John Swinney’s letter.

SSSC registration issues

Regulatory changes are being brought in to deal with workforce issues in care at this time – further detail of those here

 Flow of money to third sector care providers

We have raised an issue re flow of money from local authorities to third sector care providers – there is a real possibility of some of those providers collapsing if their funding dries up and there have been several reports of inconsistent practice in this area.

thumbnail of Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Education and Skills John Swinney MSP 190320
Click to read letter in full

School closures

The letter John Swinney issued to COSLA and the Teaching Unions last night regarding school closures is attached for your information and reference. UNISON has made the point  that schools have more than just teachers working in them.  There a number of issues arising from this that need to be addressed urgently and which we have raised with COSLA.  These include:

  • further detail on the definition of who meets the criteria of a key worker – John Swinney’s letter does not contain the level of detail on this that the UK government’s does.
  • where childcare provision will be available – it may not be the case that in all areas this will best be delivered in schools – in some areas local authorities may need to consider community hubs/others buildings that will be empty as a result of service closure etc
  • who best delivers that provision
  • what provision will be delivered – by the very nature of the work they do it is likely that key workers who qualify will need provision outside normal hours during this time

We understand that local authorities are working with their schools on this now – as soon as we have further detail on how this will work locally, we will post it on the website.  As you will appreciate, this is moving very quickly. You can also get up to date bulletins from Aberdeenshire Council at