All Branch members are invited to attend the 2014 Branch AGM to be held on Wed 19 Feb at 7pm in the Kintore Arms, Inverurie. Buffet from 6.30pm.
Please note that the date of the Branch AGM has been brought forward a week, to enable the meeting to consider Branch motions for the Local Government Service Group Conference and National Delegate Conference, in time to meet the deadlines for submission.
The AGM is the branch’s supreme policy making forum. It will elect the Branch Officers and stewards for 2014, set policy on important issues affecting all members and can amend rules.
But don’t let the talk of motions and deadlines put you off. This is members’ chance to raise anything they would like the branch to be doing, provided that it is within UNISON rules.
Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair said, “UNISON members in Aberdeenshire have faced difficult challenges over the past year with cuts to jobs, services and for some, cuts to terms and conditions; and a 1% pay rise which is a 13% cut in real terms.
“As a branch, we are still trying to get the message across that austerity is not the way to deal with the economic problems and is in fact making matters worse. Inequality is increasing massively. In the past three years the 1000 richest people have increased their wealth by £155 billion. That’s enough to pay the deficit and still have £30 billion left over. At the same time, 1.6 million children in the UK live in severe poverty. That can’t be right,” said Kate.
So if you are a member, come to the AGM and find out more about how UNISON is campaigning to protect public services and members jobs, and get involved!