All branch members should have received their preliminary notice to the Branch AGMs 2024 to be held on:
Tuesday 13th February 2024 – Dundee – 7-9pm
Wednesday 14th February 2024 – Online – 12-2pm
Thursday 15th February 2024 – Peterhead – 7-9pm
You will have received a letter from Branch Secretary Inez Kirk, urging to come along to one of three AGMs, one of which is online.
Inez said: “Your branch needs YOU. In order for the branch to continue delivering for all of our members we need to have a quorate AGM. That means that more than 50 members need to come along.
“Please don’t think you are just one person, and you won’t be missed, we need every member to attend at least one of the meetings. To do this we will be having 3 meetings both online and in person to enable as many members as possible to attend.
“You may think this does not relate to you. But it absolutely does. You help to shape the work we do with you for the coming year. You need to let us know what is important to you and this is your chance to help us support you. You are the eyes and ears in the workplace.
“This year we have been working with schools on the many issues facing our members, including the increasing violence you are facing on a daily basis. We need to work together to tackle this in the coming year. Come along, have your say, get your voice heard.
“The fantastic industrial action taken by school staff has delivered for all local government staff across Scotland. These workers stood up and showed that they cannot be overlooked anymore. We need to capitalise on that groundswell and ensure that you continue to be heard and respected going forward.
“The increasing cuts to all services are having a toll on workers abilities to do their job. We need to build strength amongst our members to fight these cuts, so you can do your jobs and serve the people that desperately need our services.
“Colleagues in third sector employers, predominantly in social care, continue to see services cut, handed back or passed on to other providers. Staff are paid only the minimum with no recognition for the work they do. It is time these workers were recognised for the essential work they do. Not providing public services on the cheap. Together we need to fight, and we need you along to shape the work we do.
“We don’t know the issues you face unless you come along and tell us.”
Members are invited to attend one of the above meetings. Nominations are invited for Branch Officer posts, and a brief outline of the duties of these posts can be found attached to your letter. Any nominations should be made using the Branch Officer nomination form attached and ideally posted back to “FREEPOST UNISON GRAMPIAN” (no address or stamp required). Nomination forms are to be received by Tuesday 30th January 2024.
After then, elections will take place prior to the AGM, if any posts are contested and positions will be notified. Nominations are also invited for stewards. If you are interested in taking on the role of steward for your section/workplace/department but are not sure what it entails, then please get in touch and we can discuss this further. Nominations for stewards should again be made using the steward nomination form attached to your letter and posted back to “FREEPOST UNISON GRAMPIAN” (no address or stamp required) by no later than Tuesday 30th January 2024.
Nomination forms for officers and stewards must be signed by 2 UNISON members supporting the nomination. Ideally these should be returned by post, but the completed form can be scanned and returned to if this is not possible.
Motions, and any other business for consideration at the Annual General Meeting, are also invited. These should be sent (preferably typed) to Inez Kirk, Branch Secretary at the address on the letter no later than Tuesday 30th January 2024. Motions should be signed by at least two members. The final agenda will be issued no later than Monday 5th February 2024.
Inez added: “All of our activists have been working hard to ensure you are safe and respected in your roles, but we need you, our members, to help shape the future of how we go forward and represent your views in the new landscape we find ourselves in.
“We have developed our representation and are looking to you to help shape that further to better represent you within the employers and within the branch. The branch has increased participation in our self-organised groups looking to create a branch that is accessible to all.
“We need to continue our efforts and embed the advances made to ensure that the future for our members and our Union remains secure and sustainable.
“Please put the date in your diaries and play your part in shaping your UNISON to tackle the issues that are most pertinent to you and hear about our work throughout the year.
“Venues will be notified in January.
“This is your union and your chance to have your say.”
Yours sincerely
Inez Kirk
Branch Secretary