
Branch supports UNISON's national celebration of our school support staff members

School support staff across Aberdeenshire will be recognised on Friday 24 November and next week as part of a UK-wide celebration of the invaluable contribution they make to the education of pupils.

UNISON has organised the ‘Stars in Our Schools’ event to promote the wonderful work school support staff do every day, and to make sure the world knows just how vital they are to every school.

UNISON Local Organiser Ann McEvoy and Susan Kennedy Aberdeenshire Assistant Branch Secretary will be making the rounds with goodie bags to schools around Aberdeenshire. Events will be held during the break at Uryside on Friday 24th November, Banchory Academy on Tuesday 28th November, Banff Academy on Wednesday 29th November and the Gordon Schools on Thursday 30th November.

Susan said:

“This annual UK-wide celebration day is a great opportunity for pupils, parents and teachers to promote the work of their support staff and thank them for their outstanding contribution.

“School support staff are so often the unsung heroes in our schools and play an integral part of the education of young people. Their roles are incredibly diverse, from cooks, cleaners and caretakers to family support advisers, examinations staff and school business managers. They play a vital role in every aspect of school life and without them schools could not run.”


UNISON represents about 250,000 school support workers across the UK, which include caretakers, cleaners, school cooks, catering assistants, lunchtime supervisors, admin and finance staff, data managers, examinations staff, school business managers, teaching assistants, classroom assistants, learning support assistants, cover supervisors, nursery nurses, library assistants, librarians, network managers, ICT technicians, food technicians, science technicians, design and technology technicians, attendance officers, family support advisers, learning mentors, school crossing patrol officers.