Aberdeenshire UNISON AGM will be held on WEDNESDAY 17 FEBRUARY 2016
12noon till 2pm in Committee Room 3, Woodhill House, Aberdeen and 7 till 9pm in the Kintore Arms, Inverurie
All members are invited to attend the AGM and there are 2 venues and times to enable you to attend.
Firstly 12-2pm at Committee Room 3, Woodhill House, and later from 7-9 p.m. at the Kintore Arms, Inverurie.
The AGM is the branch’s supreme policy making forum. It will elect the Branch Officers and stewards for 2016, set policy on important issues affecting all members and can amend rules.
The preliminary notice was sent out on 7th December, to allow members time to consider and put forward nominations and motions and to meet deadlines for the agenda which will be sent out no later than Friday 29th January 2016.
Branch officer and steward posts
Nominations are invited for stewards and branch officer posts. Any nominations should be on the forms below and should be returned to Inez Teece, Branch Secretary at UNISON Freepost (AB048), 7 Alford Place, Aberdeen AB10 1ZQ no later than Wed 27th Jan 2016.
Click here for steward’s nomination forms
Click here for branch officer’s nomination forms
Description of branch officer roles
Motions and other business
Any member can submit a motion or let us know of any other business for consideration at the AGM. Motions need to be signed by two members and sent to Inez Teece, Branch Secretary at UNISON Freepost (AB048), 7 Alford Place, Aberdeen AB10 1ZQ no later than Wed 27th Jan 2016.
Click here to see last year’s motions.
But don’t let the talk of motions and deadlines put you off. This is your chance to raise anything you would like the branch to be doing, provided that it is within UNISON rules. If you would like to raise an issue but don’t know how to write a motion, get in touch with Kate Ramsden, Branch Chair. You can email her or contact her via the Branch Resource Centre on 01224 620624 and she will help you to find the right way to do it.
The AGM is your chance to have a say on our future direction. Come along and find out more about how UNISON is campaigning to protect public services and members jobs, and get involved!
A buffet will be available at both venues and members of the Branch Committee will be on hand to answer any questions or just to chat.
We very much hope that you will come along and look forward to seeing you there.
Yours sincerely
Inez Teece