Aberdeenshire UNISON Branch Secretary, Inez Kirk, has written out to members poised to take strike action on 26, 27 and 28 September, thanking them for their support and giving details of strike pay. If you are a striking worker and have not received a briefing please email grampianresourcecentre@unison.co.uk.
Reminding our education members that they are just as vital to schools as teachers, Inez said: “Remember the stronger the action, the better chances of winning. The more people not working on those days means the more employers will notice your value.
“You do not have to tell your school or manager if you intend to take strike action. Your manager can ask, but you don’t have to tell them. Managers cannot tell you that you are not allowed/cannot take strike action, no matter what the situation.”

Inez encouraged members to join a picket line, saying: “You do not have to join a picket line. You can simply not go to work, but a picket line is a way of demonstrating how unhappy you are with your pay and letting other people know why you are taking action.
“They can be enormous fun,” she added.
“Pickets are not about shouting at people choosing to go into work but are more about educating colleagues and the public alike. With a bit of fun along the way.”
Inez reminded that workers can join UNISON on the day of the strike and join the strike action if they want to. Branch leadership and staff will be available on the day to support and guide our members taking action.
Over the next few weeks the branch will be holding online briefing/information sessions, which will be advertised on the Aberdeenshire UNISON’s Facebook page, UNISON Aberdeenshire Education Issues Group Facebook page and here, on our Aberdeenshire UNISON website.
Please share with your colleagues and encourage them to follow one of these pages for the most up to date information. This is the quickest way we can get information out to you. Briefings will also be sent out when necessary.
“So please follow our Facebook pages and website, speak to colleagues and if they are not in a union encourage them to join.”