Branch Equalities Officer, Kathleen Kennedy has issued the branch’s first Equalities Newsletter outlining how equalities is taken forward within UNISON through self-organisation.Click on the graphic to see it in full.
There is also an equalities quiz with a prize of a £50 shopping voucher. The closing date is 4th March so you still have time to send it in.
Kathleen is calling for more members to get involved in self-organisation, so if you self identify as a woman, a disabled member, a Black member, an LGBT+ member, or a young or retired member and would like to become more involved in the union, please get in touch with Kathleen (contact details on the newsletter).

Outlining equalities events coming up over the next year, Kathleen said, “Equalities covers and is through every area of life and so it is with UNISON.
“Ideally, we would like to have a great emphasis on equalities both in the branch and in the employers we work for – but we need YOU to be part of this!”