Thursday 22nd April is Earth Day – a day of action to inspire and unite trade union and environmental activists around the world.
Here branch Green champion Steven Gray tells us what it’s about and how you can get involved.
“More than 1 billion people in 192 countries now participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. Earth Day has spread far and wide since its start as a day of action to inspire and unite trade union and environmental activists in the America of the 1970’s. Click here to go to the Earth Day organisation and its activities.
“Here in Scotland and the rest of the UK UNISON is planning our own events which you are invited to attend. Be inspired to be a part of Earth Day, join in with climate actions and think of ways you can make a difference with your workplace colleagues.
“Remember the World is coming to the COP26 Climate Emergency Conference in Glasgow this November. Climate justice requires social justice which you can find out more about on the UNISON Scotland and UNISON UK websites included here.
Join UNISON for a series of green events | Article, News | News | UNISON National
Green Workplace – UNISON Scotland (
UNISON Green webinars begin on Earth Day, Thurs 22nd April 2021 at 1pm
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The weblink below takes you to the BBC iplayer and the 3 programmes which follow a well know climate emergency activist talking to the people suffering from the disasters now unfolding and the scientists who explain the background to the problems and the solutions.
2021 is another busy year for all of us. Aberdeenshire UNISON hopes that each and everyone of us can work together to stay safe and stay fine both in work places and our communities.