Health and Safety News

Updated guidance on PPE for frontline staff

The branch is pleased that the government guidance on PPE use during the Covid-19 outbreak has been revised and refined, and is seeking urgent clarification from the Integrated Joint Board (IJB) about how the guidance will be rolled out and implemented locally.

This is particularly relevant for social care members.

We have been advised that there are adequate supplies of the necessary PPE locally. If you are not being provided with the necessary PPE or if you are worried that your employer is not following the guidance, please get in touch with the branch and let us know.

The phone no is 01224 620624. You can also complete the STUC survey and the call for information from UNISON UK. Links to both are on this website.

The full guidance is here:…/covid-19-guidance-for-infect…/

Additional information here:…/T2_Recommended_P…

And the infographics are ?

This guidance has been produced on a UK four nation basis, with input from Royal Colleges and expert scientific groups.

This advice means some changes to the PPE that health and social care workers across Scotland will be advised to wear in different settings and scenarios when caring for patients and residents. The updates reflect the fact that COVID-19 is now widespread in the community, meaning health and social care workers are more likely to see patients with the virus, some of whom will not have symptoms yet.

As always, if you are being told something different on the ground please raise this with Aberdeenshire UNISON or your local branch in the first instance.