Please make sure that you have your say in the Local Government Pay Ballot. If you haven’t voted please vote NOW.
UNISON Scotland is calling on Local Government members to REJECT the employers’ latest pay offer in an online ballot running from 16 October to 5pm on 7 November. You can vote from the link on this page.
It’s one team – we all deserve fair pay.
The ballot will also ask you whether you are willing to take industrial action up to and including strike action in pursuit of our full claim.
The final offer from the employers, after months of campaigning and negotiations, is 3% for one year for workers earning up to £80,000. This is below inflation and does not improve low pay. Despite assurances from CoSLA about parity and fairness across local government workers, the signs are that some teachers could get 10%.
Click here for FAQs
UNISON is emailing all members we have an email address for (and who have opted in to receiving emails) with a link to the online ballot. Even if you haven’t had an email, you can still vote using the link above.
No internet access? If you don’t have access to the internet or if you are having problems with the online ballot, you can vote by phone at UNISON Direct on 0800 0857 857
Not yet a member? CLICK HERE TO JOIN NOW BEFORE 28 OCTOBER! New members joining UNISON before 28 October 2018 will get a vote on this offer. If they provide an e-mail address to the union when they join they will be sent an e-mail with a link to their ballot after this date but before the close of ballot on 7 November.
Make sure you use your vote!
- Encourage your fellow members to vote.
- Recruit your colleagues to the union and get them to vote.
- Share this info on your social networks so people understand why the offer is unacceptable.
- Get involved in the work of your local UNISON branch.
Click here for more information and resources on the UNISON Scotland website