Green UNISON Week runs to 1 October and coincides with a range of local, UK wide and international activities. We are, of course, in the build up to COP27 where campaigners want to strengthen and build on the Glasgow Climate Pact agreed at COP26 last November.
The briefing on the right includes a link to a related Climate Justice Coalition/Stop Climate Chaos Scotland meeting and refers to plans for major demonstrations in Egypt, here and internationally on Saturday 12 November.
To find out what is going on around Scotland click here.
On Tuesday 27 Sept 12.30-1.30pm, all branches, but especially those in Strathclyde, are invited to join South Lanarkshire branch’s Green UNISON Week meeting on divestment from fossil fuels Our Pension Fund – saving for our future or destroying our future. Online via Teams. with local Green councillor Kirsten Robb who has cross party backing for a motion to the council. Click here to join the meeting