The branch is calling on all our new and existing members to consider becoming more active in the branch as a steward or branch officer. Branch secretary, Inez Kirk has written to all members welcoming new members to the branch and making a commitment to all members that the branch is there for them.
Inez reminded that “members are the leaders of our branch, and you help to shape the work we do on your behalf.”

Inez added, “Every year we have an Annual General Meeting (AGM) which is usually held in February. At this meeting all of the Branch Officers and Stewards are elected from the membership to represent you. We are members of UNISON too and all of us work for one of the employers in which we organise.
“This year we were unable to fill all the Branch Officer posts so I am writing to you to ask if any of you would be interested in any of the below. You will be offered full training and experienced Stewards and Officers will always be available to support you.”
Details of the vacant posts are below. If you are interested in any of the officer posts or want to find out more please email
or grampianresourcecentre@unison.
You would need to be nominated by 2 people in your workplace. This is a position that represents the UNISON members in your workplace. You may be asked to represent other workers with their issues. You will be given full training and you are entitled to time away from work to attend meetings and to represent. We will never ask you to do more than you are comfortable with. But if you are keen a whole world of possibilities awaits you.
Health and Safety Officer
This post will support the branch and members in ensuring health and safety issues are addressed. Full extensive training is available and there is a large support network both locally and nationally to rely on for information and support. You are entitled to time away from work to see health and safety issues enshrined in law and you will also be entitled to time to attend meetings.
LGBT+ Officer
This post would lead and organise the LGBT+ group of members within a self-organised group. This post is to encourage self-organisation of members that identify as either gay, trans, lesbian, bi, queer, or non-binary. This is to ensure all members have an equal voice in UNISON and that our actions and campaigns meet the needs of all our members. If you are within one of these groups we would love to have you on board to help organise our members and ensure everything we do suits all our members needs and issues. Time off to attend meetings is allowed and there is an extensive training package and network of LGBT+ activists nationally to tap into.
Equalities Coordinator
This post is to support our self-organised groups to provide practical assistance and to liaise between the branch and the self-organised groups. They will also ensure employers abide by anti-discriminatory practice and promote best practice when dealing with all equalities issues, whether that’s for disabled workers, black workers, LGBT+ workers, women, retired workers or young workers. This post would be entitled to time off to attend meetings as any other UNISON activist.
The branch have committed to a part time secondment up until the next AGM in February. This is to ensure equalities work is developed further in the branch and that self-organised groups are established and supported. The officer will provide practical support whilst embedding UNISON’s equalities values within the branch and the employers in which we organise.
International Officer
This post is a role that highlights our work with sister trade unions and organisations throughout the world. Ensuring all workers are treated fairly wherever they work. The role highlights to our members the issues other workers face.
In this global world many of our goods and services are made overseas and this role helps support UNISON activities in supporting workers globally to ensure all are paid fairly and are safe at work. Full training is available as well as a network of activists to provide support. Standard time off for trade union activity should be available when required.
If we have more than one person interested in a position we will hold an election at the Branch Committee where you will be invited to say a few words.
If you think you will have issues with time off due to the nature of your post we will work with you to ensure you get the time needed.
All these positions are open to all members in all employers.