The branch has issued an update on pay to all members for whom we have an email address. We understand that the pay award has now been sorted out after further negotiations with COSLA.
Please also watch out for the updates posted on Aberdeenshire UNISON’s Facebook page. There have been regular updates over the last couple of weeks.
There were some difficulties with COSLA, the employer’s body, issuing the circular to councils detailing the pay agreement. This was due to them having some queries over the payment of SSSC fees and the additional annual leave day.
UNISON believes that this is now resolved and that the pay circular has now been sent to councils. Councils could not pay the uplift without this circular. I believe the councils did put an email out to be circulated to all employees about this.
Now that councils have this pay circular, they can begin paying the new rates of pay but this was not received in time for this month’s pay. We believe that the new rates of pay will now start being paid and the backpay and new rate of pay will be paid as planned for the end of November. Therefore, everyone should receive their backpay and new rates of pay from the end of November.
We are still working on how the SSSC fees will be paid, so if your registration is due do not delay in reregistering and the fees will be able to be reclaimed once that process is agreed. These fees will be backdated to April of this year.
The extra day of annual leave will also be sorted out. Again, we do not know what the process will be but will update as soon as we know. All workers will receive this but if you are term time you will receive an extra day’s pay during the holiday period as this is when you take the rest of your annual leave entitlement.
Inez Kirk
Branch Secretary