Aberdeenshire UNISON has submitted a position statement to the council in the wake of the implementation on 12th August of revised procedures on Special Leave, Attendance Management and Adverse Weather Arrangements .
The branch wants to make it clear that the unions have not agreed the changes to these procedures. UNISON along with the GMB has requested an urgent meeting with HR.
Kate Ramsden, Branch Co-Chair said, “We have been inundated with concerns from members about all these procedures, but especially the Special Leave procedure. These have further demoralised staff.
“We have called for the procedures to be withdrawn meantime and have also asked for Equality Impact Assessments on each of the procedures as we believe that they discriminate against some of the protected characteristics.
“At a time when the council depends so heavily on the goodwill of staff we believe it’s in everyone’s interests to reconsider these procedures.”
We are keen to hear from members about your thoughts and you can email the branch on aberdeenshire@unison.co.uk with any comments.
We will report back on any developments.