You will be aware that the Central Arbitration Committee (CAC) recently ruled that they believe it is ‘likely’ that UNISON has a majority support amongst Cornerstone staff and this is an important step in you all regaining a say in what happens with your pay, terms and conditions.
The next steps in the process will be for the CAC to decide on the appropriate bargaining unit and a ballot of all staff is likely to follow which will determine whether UNISON achieves recognition in Cornerstone.
So what is trade union recognition?
Having trade union recognition allows the union to negotiate on pay and terms and conditions of employment, employment policies and other major changes in the organisation. At the moment, Cornerstone is looking to make whatever changes it likes to pay and conditions through the employee forum – those changes will not be in your favour. UNISON is already aware that changes to your terms and conditions are being pushed through the employee forum without your knowledge and without you having a vote on any outcome of discussions. We do not believe that such an approach is reflective of the values the organisation holds.
Our campaign for UNISON to be recognised is aimed at ensuring we can continue to deliver positive and exceptional outcomes for the people we support. That should not come at the expense of poor pay for staff. Whether it is teachers, NHS staff or local government workers – all of these workers are supported by trade unions and enjoy the many benefits of collective bargaining. If collective bargaining is good enough for teachers, NHS staff and lo

cal government workers, then surely it is good enough for social care workers like us who are employed by Cornerstone?
Click on the graphic to see a light hearted story submitted to us by one of our members. It is not intended to be a serious piece but gives a good overview of where we find ourselves currently in a hopefully humorous way.
We’d appreciate it if you could share this with colleagues and encourage them to join UNISON to ensure they have an effective voice at work.