The branch has sent out a survey to all members who have given us your email address to find out what you think about the changes to mileage re-imbursement which is being rolled out across all services. The roll out is due to be completed in June.
The changes to the Travel & Subsistence procedure will require you to deduct your normal daily commuting mileage when submitting a claim for reimbursement of business mileage.
This means that those who make work calls on their way to or from work will no longer be able to claim the lesser of the two journeys as they can at present – unless transporting a service user.
Steve Gray, Branch Chair said, “If you are a UNISON member and you use your car for work, the branch would like to know what you think about these changes and if they affect how you pay for using your car for work.
“The branch would also like to know if you feel strongly enough about the implications of these changes for using your car for work, to ask UNISON Aberdeenshire to press Aberdeenshire Council to withdraw and reconsider the travel and subsistence procedure, and whether you would be prepared to take action to back this up.
“We are calling on all members to complete the survey which takes less than 5 minutes to complete.”
If you are a member but we do not have your email address, you can complete the survey using the link below.”
The closing date is Friday 18 May 2018.
Please click here to access the survey:
*This is a consultative survey at this stage.*