Aberdeenshire UNISON has warned that the council’s planned cuts over the next five years will hit jobs and services hard and will continue to have a devastating impact on the quality of life in Aberdeenshire, especially for our most vulnerable.
The branch has called on Aberdeenshire councillors to minimise job losses and to keep their commitment to no compulsory redundancies and to maintain services to the most vulnerable.
Branch Secretary Inez Teece said, “We recognise that the council is in a difficult position, especially with the continued council tax freeze and we would urge the Scottish Government to reconsider this as we have shown that it only benefits the better off.
“There has been huge house build in Aberdeenshire over the eight years of the council tax freeze and if the council had been allowed they could have increased their income substantially from a properly assessed, locally determined council tax.
“As it is, we are deeply worried at the potential threat to essential services over the coming years which will affect all our citizens but especially the most vulnerable in our communities.
“Aberdeenshire council has already cut jobs in the council and those who are left are having to do much more with less.
“We have to speak up for the staff left behind. In many areas where people directly serve the public we are seeing increased levels of stress and sickness. This is bad for our members but also bad for the services that the council provides.
“What we are seeing is that cuts are not cost effective, and really don’t make economic sense in the long run. Further job losses will only make matters worse and UNISON will fight to protect jobs and services.”