The branch has written out to all affected members with an update on the proposals for an Alternative Delivery Model – essentially a Trust – for sport and leisure services.
The branch will hold meetings with affected members in September to seek your views.
Inez Kirk, Branch Secretary writes, “The Council are continuing to work on the proposals for a full business case to establish a Trust for Sport and Leisure.
“UNISON continues to be involved at every stage of this process; within the Project Board Working Group and Sub Groups. UNISON is continuing to play the role of “critical friend”, pointing out alternatives to accepted ideas and emphasising the need on ongoing two way communication with all affected staff.
“We are aware that proposals are due to be heard by full Council in September with a view, if the proposals are accepted, to be implemented on 1st April 2018.
“UNISON continues to emphasise the view that, staff that may transfer should be protected as if they remained within the Council and that terms and conditions are protected long term. If the proposals go ahead, UNISON is seeking:
- trade union recognition for the three recognised trade unions: UNISON, GMB and Unite.
- that Scottish Joint Council (SJC) terms and conditions be recognised by the new employer
- that trade union be present on the Board of Governors, on a non voting basis, as advisors in line with current arrangements for the Integrated Joint Board (IJB) for Health & Social Care.
- that all employees of the proposed new board be treated equally, having the same pension, rights and terms and conditions.
“UNISON will continue to act in the interests of all staff. During September, UNISON would like to meet with staff to get their views.
“If you have any comments/queries, please do not hesistate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Inez Kirk
Branch Secretary