All members are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Aberdeenshire Branch of UNISON on 17th February 2016. There are 2 venues and times to enable you to attend. Firstly 12-2pm at Committee Room 3, Woodhill House, and later from 7-9 p.m. at the Kintore Arms, Inverurie.
The AGM agenda and papers have now been sent out to all members and we would really encourage all our members to attend one of these meetings.
The AGM is the branch’s supreme policy making forum. It will elect the Branch Officers and stewards for 2016 and will set policy on important issues affecting all members. This year we have five motions, four of which deal with the branch’s campaigning work including opposing the cuts and the trade union billand supporting members in the workplace.
Our speaker will be Carol Ball, Vice-Chair of the Scottish Local Government Committee and our branch pensions champion James Mulholland will be on hand to give an update on pensions.
Please come along and hear more about what the branch is doing for you and what you can do to support the branch.