Inez Teece, Branch Secretary and member of the Scottish Local Government negotiating team explains the background to the dispute.
“The Scottish Employers have imposed a pay award of 1% on our members from 1 April 2014.
“Further they have refused to negotiate on UNISON’s claim for this period which was:
- An additional £1 per hour for all staff conditioned by the Scottish Joint Council
- Consolidation of the Living Wage
- Deletion of spinal column points below the level of the Living Wage
“This action by the employers is quite unacceptable and shows a blatant disregard for the agreed bargaining structures and threatens the future of nationally agreed pay awards.
“Given that the employers imposed 1%, it is unsurprising that they also refuse to negotiate on a justifiable pay claim.
“Because of this UNISON Scotland are now conducting a formal industrial action ballot which will be open from 9th September 2014 until 29th September 2014.
“The ballot asks members whether they are prepared to take strike action to force the employers to respect the joint negotiating machinery and return to the negotiating table and improve upon the offer.”
The UNISON Scotland Local Government Committee is asking that members vote YES to strike action for Fair Pay